Offering hope and healing through Christ for those suffering in this broken world

The Deep Waters Mission

Glorifying God by loving people through the counsel of His Word

Committed to the Scriptures

We believe that God has graciously handed us the resources needed to provide quality soul-care to those of us who are facing life’s hardest trials.

Committed to the Church

We work closely with local churches to ensure ongoing gospel care continues to be a reality for each of our clients.

Committed to the Family

Marriage and parenting are close to God’s heart and reveal his beauty in a world broken by sin. Together we can seek him for healing and hope in these critical areas.

Meet Our Counselors

What brings each counselor at Deep Waters together is a collective love for Jesus and empathy for those suffering under the curse. Meet our counselors.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Customer Testimonials On Google

| 5.0 ratings on 18 Reviews
Due to Deep Waters Biblical Counseling's strict and unapologetic adherence to a biblical approach to counseling, not seeking to offer any clinical diagnoses or offer clinical treatment of an existing diagnosis, insurance companies will not cooperate with us. Therefore, we are unable to process insurance coverage. We utilize a sliding fee scale of $65-85/session and simply ask folks to select a number within that range that best stewards their household budget. No questions asked. If you are part of a local church, Deep Waters loves to partner with area churches to work out cost sharing scenarios. Feel free to mention that in the intake process.
Our counselors are ready to come alongside you while we seek for God in your specific situation. The Gospel creates a safe place for us to struggle and grow together.


The Vision

At Deep Waters, clients are charged on a sliding scale for each session, based on income. Help underwrite the cost of counseling sessions for someone in our city or surrounding areas.
Do you feel you would benefit from counseling services through Deep Waters? Schedule an appointment.
Most importantly, we would be honored to ask you to please PRAY that the mission of the Gospel will be advanced through the services provided by Deep Waters Biblical counseling.

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We here at Deep Waters are looking forward to speaking with you!

We Want To Help You

Please fill out the following form so we can reach out to set up an appointment.

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